Quest:Rest for the Unrest

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Rest for the Unrest
Level 77
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Wódscrafen
Start Region The Wold
Map Ref [42.5S, 49.4W]
Ends with Twickenburg Soldier
Ends at Wódscrafen
End Region The Wold
Map Ref [42.5S, 49.4W]
Quest Chain Twickenburg
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

Wódscrafen is full of dead who woke to walk the cold passages of the cave, stirred by some great evil there.


Wódscrafen is full of dead who woke to walk the cold passages of the cave, stirred by some great evil there.

Objective 1

Draug can be found in Wódscrafen in the southern Wold, north of Twickenburg.

You should defeat many draug in Wódscrafen.

Defeated the Wold Draug

Objective 2

  • Return to the Frightened Soldier

The frightened soldier is outside of Wódscrafen.

You should return to the frightened soldier now that you have defeated many of the terrifying draugar in Wódscrafen.

Twickenburg Soldier: 'Those draug need to be put back to rest. Many warriors here are superstitious of the dead and the omen of their walking among the living. Your deeds will put their hearts at ease, <name>.